Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu has narrated the hectic session expressed on Thursday after as he was picked Entebbe International Airport like bag of ‘Lumonde’.
Bobi Wine unmasks the happiness that he is back home from the foreign land where he had gone for specialized medication.
“So after many days away, I am glad to be back home. Yesterday was as hectic as it was when I left. The state has lost all shame. It is pathetic how the security agencies have devoted themselves to violating our rights with impunity day in day out!” he says.
He adds that, “Upon landing at Entebbe airport on Thursday afternoon, I was immediately arrested by people in police uniform and others in civilian attire. They grabbed me from the tarmac, took away my walking stick and grabbed my red beret off my head! I was forced into a waiting police vehicle. I insisted that I did not want to get into an unknown car with complete strangers and that I had my own car waiting for me at the arrivals but my plea fell on deaf ears.”
The self-proclaimed Ghetto Gladiator states that even when he suggested that they let me get into that strange vehicle with Hon. Winnie Kiiza with whom he had travelled from Kenya, they could hear none of that.
“I was searched and my passport was taken from me. I still don’t know where it is! I got sandwiched between two counter terrorism policemen in a vehicle that had other police officers waiting. I was then driven off towards the UN airbase with a string of police patrol cars & military trucks. They drove at breakneck speed & after a long ride, we got to Kiira then headed to Gayaza road until I was eventually dropped at my home in Magere.” He narrated.
He added that once again his rights were violated, but most importantly the rights of his friends, family and lawyers who endured gross harassment throughout the day citing that many of them were arrested and only released later in the evening without any case against them.
“Many of my fellow leaders were put under house arrest for no offence whatsoever. Simply because the state suspected that they would want to go and receive me at the airport. This is gross abuse of authority. I’m very bothered by the gruesome pictures & videos shared. Why would security agencies dehumanize Ugandans this much? I saw people, most of whom were going about their business along Entebbe road & Kasangati town, being beaten & manhandled by security. This impunity must stop!
I hope Ugandans who watch these things now fully understand why we must urgently work towards redemption. I was overwhelmed by the masses of people who waited for me at home in Magere. I can’t thank you enough! I am thankful to God for getting me home safe. Viva!” Bobi Wine Climaxed.