The Kyarenga hit maker, Bobi Wine has accused the Uganda Police and Namboole Mangament for acting in an indignity, bothering and incitement manner towards the Ugandans who are excited about the Kyarenga concert which stands scheduled for this Saturday, 20th October. However, is now undecided about its occurrence.
According to Bobi Wine, he says that Uganda police has been tossing around his management and members on his team for the past three weeks as they tried to make sure that the concert is held under legal and acceptable terms.
“As you are all aware, there have been several hiccups in our preparations. These problems have been caused by the inconsistency and lack of transparency on the part of Uganda Police Force. For the past three weeks, the event organizers have been tossed up and about by the police. Indeed, over three weeks ago, we approached the police and informed them about our intentions to hold the concert as required by law,” he explained.
Bobi Wine also adds that his team was able to make all the necessary clearance with Namboole Stadium as advised by the Ugandan Police but the management of the stadium has joined the Police in tossing them around and changing their dates of the concert.
Bobi Wine states that the first booking that was made was on the same date with the cranes match which they willingly accepted to happen for the good of the country but were later disappointed by the NAMBOOLE MANAGEMENT when asked to cancel the concert due to a wedding that will take place on that day.
“We agreed and made payments to the Namboole Stadium management, and made a booking for the 13th of October. That was our initial date of choice for the show. After making a deposit on venue fees, the Managing Director of the stadium called requesting us to change the date because there was going to be a match between Uganda Cranes and Lesotho on the date we had booked. Even when we had already recorded adverts mentioning the 13th, we decided that a game involving our national team was very important and it was fit and proper for us to let them access the stadium. We then agreed with Namboole Management and rescheduled our concert for the 20th of October. We started advertising. It is a day later that we saw a letter on social media addressed to us from Namboole saying that the 20th of October was also booked for a wedding. We asked for a copy of the letter if it was legitimate and it was not given to us. ” narrated Bobi Wine.
However, Bobi Win adds that together with his team, they have done everything possible to work with the police so that they can have the Kyarenga concert happen but police with other authorities have made it impossible and frustrated Bobi Wine and his team.
“We have done everything required of us by law but it is apparent that the people in authority are doing everything possible to frustrate the concert. As things stand, the concert has been left in balance. A lot of money and time have been spent in advertisements and preparations. Dear fans and friends, I am not sure when or whether the Kyarenga Concert will happen. But I advise those in authority to desist from these provocations. I am a Ugandan artiste with a legitimate right to stage a concert,” said a frustrated Bobi Wine.
It should be noted that Bobi Wine has just returned from Kenya where he held a successful concert but had to cut his visit short so that he can meet with Inspector General of Police but all this has been futile.