The true of identity of the song bird has all the time been questioned not until recently an anonymous man came out to claim her that she is part of their family. John Chrysostom Muyisa who claims to be the paternal uncle of Rema, says that the songstress is there daughter and there is no way she denies them.
Muyisa carried to say that he even knows where Rema’s father was buried and that Halima Namakula with whom Rema regards as her family was there to help them raise their daughter, he also added on that Edirisa Musuza alias Eddy Kenzo is not known to their family as the husband to their daughter so he should be introduced to the family officially.
When the insider reached out to Rema’s management on this issue she said that if Mzee Muyisa is really her paternal uncle why did he have to go to the press to claim for her? He would have gone to her home and they talk about. If he is related to her they should not mind on who she has to introduce but wait for the right person to be introduced to the family members and that would be to the family she knows not that one that has claimed for her in her press.
Rema is not the first artist to be claimed anonymous family members it is well known that the late Mose radio had different people who claimed for him, then chameleon, and the late Paddy Bitama.