Dear General Mugisha Muntu,
I hope that am allowed to comment on what is happening in all Ugandas Political parties and groupings because in them together and individually are people who are vying or are already my leaders. In fact maybe the only political party I shouldn’t discuss in social media is DP because as a member am expected to have better forums where I can make my comments and suggestions.
Accordingly today, allow me to ask you and other comrades in the new formation if you’re serious and honest about the opposition unity…if you are, why are you hyping the recruitment and defection of people from FDC and maybe soon from other opposition political parties to your yet to be constituted political party? My feeling is that we need to minimise conflicts in order to grow an atmosphere that will allow for siting and discussing unity. How then does the New formation expects to cultivate this atmosphere when the only slot about its activities in the Media is about your antagonism to the FDC?
Two I remember that the major point of departure by the new formation group from FDC was the fact that the latter were not interested in formation of structures….now to my surprise the people who are reportedly defecting from FDC were from the party structures from as deep as Ankole….now which is which…
Does FDC have structures from which defections are being reported or it has no structures but only bent on defience campaign as you alleged when you were leaving?
General Muntu I have always known you to be a moderately honest person and because of that I took your word when you said that you were parting with FDC peacefully because of differences in ideology but that you will work for the unity of all forces of change…it was clear you were leaving together with some members who shared similar views after all you moved on after wide consultations within the party ranks….in my opinion,there were no defections of leaders from FDC to your yet to be named party…the 63 people in Ankole who are said to have defected from FDC are in fact your colleagues with whom you plotted to start a new party and you left FDC together Weeks ago. I therefore humbly request that you minimise the conflicts with FDC if trully in the end you intend to work with it at another level.
General Muntu if you insist that these people defected from FDC yesterday,what party did they defect to because as we talk now the New formation is just an idea and not a Political Party….What Party Constitution did you show to them that they appreciated to be better than that of FDC…When they defected and handed the FDC cards to you,did you give them your party cards in exchange….So now that those 63 are no longer colour blue,what colour are they…FDC is one Uganda one People…your Party is what….As new members which set of rules and obligation did they agree to adhere to…the questions are endless and only proves one logical point that there is no new party yet for people to defect to…and to be honest,you and group should stop dramatising you departure to allow a minimum working relationship to exist between the party under formation and the FDC,all other Opposition political parties and forces of change for to act otherwise by advancing your sibling fights with FDC would be to risk the bigger struggle….We are stronger together.
For truth and justice I submit.Top of Form
1 Comment
Hon.Namboze relax , the party is about to start , nothing am sure will move the much love Uganda ns have for their party,the FDC.