Police has arrested the general manager for Mestil Hotel in Nsambya to explain circumstances under which a 13 year old boy drowned and died at their hotel.
According to the Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson, Luke Oweyesigyire, he says that the manager has been detained at Kabalagala police station as investigations into the young boy’s death continue.
Oweyesigyire says police rushed to the scene following a call from a concerned parent last evening but unfortunately could not rescue the boy.
Currently, the body of the deceased boy has since been taken to the city mortuary at Mulago hospital for postmortem.
Much more, Oweyesigyire asked parents and hotel attendants to work together in protecting children near swimming pools and related water bodies if they are to prevent them from drowning.
Mestil hotel is located at 20 Barracks Drive, Nsambya, Kampala.