Following the release of the controversial video that was released by Bebe Cool showing Dr. Hilderman receiving a bribe, Dr. Hilderman has allegedly said that he is going to use the money to remove old people like Minister Kyambadde from power.
According to Hilderman, he says that the old people should learn to give way to the youths so that they can also take over leadership since it is now their time.
“Retirement is a culture we want to teach our old leaders. They need to give way for young blood to take on leadership,” he said.
Hilderman says that he is gathering enough funds so as to meet with his old time friend Hon. Kyambadde so that he can convince her to retire. Hilderman emphasizes that he believes in peaceful measures and will advocate for them.
“We need to have a healthy competition. Since she is my friend, I’m going to meet her face to face, tell her my intentions and also convince to retire,” he said.
Hon. Kyambadde, Hilderman’s longtime friend, has been the area Member of Parliament since 2011 and according to Hilderman it’s high time she gave up the seat come 2021.
This comes after Bebe Cool was accused of stealing 400M SHILLINGS from Museveni that was meant for artistes. However, he released a video showing that Hilderman received two million shillings from that money.