Cheating is one of the more challenging problems faced in a relationship. While many people are blindsided if and when they find out about a spouse or partner cheating, others may suspect it because of actions that are out of the norm.
Changes in Your Sex Life
There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship than before, high chances are that he is getting the intimacy from somewhere else. Also when you learn that you have an STD and you have not strayed, then you should start questioning your partner.
Sudden Change in Habits
The words “I love you” are not spoken by your spouse any longer.
You can’t even get your mate to fight with you.
You can’t get your spouse to communicate with you (stonewalling)
Your spouse is dressing nicer, looking nicer, or there is a sudden interest in appearance.
Your spouse picks up a new hobby that requires a few hours of commitment per day. When you show interest in their new hobby, their answer seems vague or they brush you off.
Your mate is working longer and longer hours at work than before he is clearly trying to avoid you.
Attitude Changes
Your spouse exhibits signs of low self-esteem.
You notice your spouse has a sense of confusion about him or herself.
Your spouse is more negative than before.
Your spouse becomes more critical of you.
Your spouse seems to be picking fights more often.
Your spouse gets very defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs.
When you ask for reassurance about cheating, you do not feel satisfied with the response.
Lying and Avoidance
You feel as if you are being avoided.
He/she doesn’t want to go anywhere or do anything with you anymore.
You find your partner has been lying to you about a variety of things.
Your spouse seems more secretive.
Your partner abandons religious faith.
Your spouse seems bored with you, a job, your children, hobbies, or even life in general.
Your spouse has become lazy, especially around the house.
Your spouse doesn’t show any jealousy about you, no matter what you say. And he or she is okay with you spending some time away from you.
Money Issues
You notice charges on credit card statements that don’t make sense.
When you realize that money is now a big issue than before and there is no sharing between the two of you.
Your spouse stops planning for large purchases (such as a trip, buying a house, starting a renovation, etc.)
A Change in Technology Use
You notice cloud sharing has suddenly been switched off on your devices.
Your spouse stops using shared devices altogether.
Your spouse reduces their use of social media.
Your partner always clears browse history on the home computer.
Your spouse’s fitness tracker shows exercise at odd times and hours.
Again, what may be a warning sign in one relationship may be nothing to be concerned about in another relationship. In fact, most signs of infidelity are quite subtle. It is only when the lies and stories stop adding up that the cheating usually comes to light.