The Archbishop of Gulu, John Baptist Odama has called on christians to repent and reconcile with God, with self and with the environment during Lent. Archbishop Odama made the call while leading Mass on Ash Wednesday at Parliament.
“This day is an important one for the season because it begins the preparations for the greatest feast in the church which is Easter,” said Odama.
The Archbishop reiterated the Pope’s message for Lent, where he says that the 40 days of fasting were a sacramental sign of conversion with a call for fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
Odama said that the ash on foreheads of the christians on Ash Wednesday symbolised the fragility and mortality of man, who needed God’s presence to maintain steadfast faith.
“Prayer teaches us to abandon idolatry and acknowledge our need for mercy whereas almsgiving helps us to escape the illusion of hoarding everything to ourselves,” Odama said.
He advised MPs to create an alliance with God in a bid to make good laws for the country, adding that Ugandans needed a strong example from their leaders.
Odama also expressed concern over the growing trend of sex education in schools which he observed had influenced kindergarten going children through the new media.
“Lent this year should bring hope of Christ to promote liberation of children of God,” said the Archbishop, adding that “we should ask God to help us seek out the true path of conversion and attend to our brothers and sisters in need.”
Members of Parliament and the congregation contributed shs44.5 million in cash and pledges towards the Martyrs’ day celebrations that will be led by Gulu Archdiocese.