Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has closed down Halal & Twayibah Foods & Beverages factory in Old Kampala over failure to comply with set standards for production of beverages thus putting the health of consumers at a great risk.
The UNBS Surveillance team together with Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) officials conducted inspection of the factory.
The factory was found in production of pre-packaged drinking water of Halal brand in an unhygienic environment.
The workers were found handling water with bare hands and with no safety gear which is a contravention of the Uganda Standard US 28 EAS 39:2002 – Code of practice for hygiene in the Food & Drinks Manufacturing Industry.
Some bottles of the packaged drinking water were found with the UNBS Distinctive mark yet the company is not certified. This is in contravention of section 20 (1) of the UNBS Act; Cap 327 and the UNBS Administrative Directives on Implementation of water Standards Requirements – May 2013 which prohibits the sale of uncertified packaged drinking water.
UNBS would therefore like to inform the public that the premises of Halal & Twayibah Foods & Beverages factory shall remain closed until investigations are completed.
UNBS would like to urge the public to remain vigilant and report any cases of substandard products on the market on our toll-free line: 0800 133 133.