In a bid to remain up to date and meeting the fastest raising technology advancements, the Minister for ICT and National Guidance Hon. Frank Tumwebaze has urged the NRM leadership to embrace Social Media.
Speaking during the ruling party parliamentary Caucus retreat in Kyankwanzi, Tumwebaze described this move as an effective tool in fighting political propaganda that continuously tarnish the image of Government and the ruling NRM Party.
Tumwebaze stated that gradually Social Media has transitioned from being a means of socializing among distant friends to a leading source of news given the speed at which they propagate.
The ICT Minister has however partly blamed the negative publicity against government on how Govt/NRM officials conduct themselves in public.
“Bad press against Government is sometimes facilitated by how we communicate & behave in public as Govt or NRM leaders, Of recent, even Electronic Media Presenters/Deejays carry iPads or smart phones copying and reading directly from the Social Media Platforms to their viewers or listeners.” Tumwebaze said.
He added, “If the President communicates and another leader or Govt official contradicts or attacks the President, it becomes good fodder for the media and our opponents”.
He appealed to the top Party leadership to tame such indiscipline which he said divides the membership and portrays the political leadership as not being in charge.