Renown political analyst Tamale Mirundi has mocked the coalition by some opposition political parties (People’s Development Party- PDP, Democratic Party-DP and the Social Democratic Party- SDP).
Speaking while appearing on NBS Television early this morning, Tamale described the DP –BLOC as a political masturbation.
Tamale claimed that this coalition is just aimed for promoting deception and propaganda in the political arena but realistically not have any sensible impact.
“What if a rat, a rabbit and a guinea pig combine, does a cow get worried? This is the same as that so called DP Bloc.” Tamale said noting that the reasons for sensible coalitions are always routed from the previous outcomes of an election something that is not the case now.
DP on Thursday last week held an event to sign a memorandum of understanding with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) of Dr Abed Bwanika and Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Mike Mabike and officially unveil the DP block as they prepare for 2021 general elections.
The meeting held at Africana hotel was attended by a number of political figures including, former FDC president Mugisha Muntu who quit the party to found a new one, Alliance for National Transformation (ANT), youthful firebrand Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine who is also the poster boy of the People Power pressure group, among others.