Former presidential Candidate Pastor Abed Bwanika has no kind words for the opposition Members of Parliament and their lawyers that took the controversial age limit removal bill to court in search for justice.
According to Bwanika, it’s ironic to find that even lawmakers that had an opportunity to do their best in the August House also run to court expecting to get justice from Museveni’s machineries.
Bwanika who has contested for the country’s top most office for three consecutive times described this team as a group of time wasters.
He claims that political issues can never be taken and get fully settled by a clique of people appointed the person being accused.
“So they excepted the supreme court appointed and paid by president Museveni to favour them, impossible! The time I had Chief Justice Burt Katureebe saying that he is ill and lacks even capacity to read the final judgment, I lost hope because I know that’s how dictators trap good people.” Bwanika said adding that once the dictator appoints you in a certain office, he/she immediately employs people to spy on you.
“They make two files, one for the good and the other for the bad deeds, once you stand to make noise, they begin reminding the wrongs you have done, for example if you have piece of land that was acquired in a crooked manner.” Bwanika added while appearing on CBS FM Talkshow hosted by Meddie Nsereko.
Bwanika further implored opposition lawmakers and lawyers to learn from their mistakes and prioritize taking political affairs back to the electorates once an institution like parliament disappoints them but not back to Museveni indirectly.
He says the only decision now remaining is for Ugandans to know that they are like orphans, the only weapon they have is the National Identity card which they can use to vote out president Museveni and his corrupt allies.
Last year, the Constitutional Court sitting in Mbale in a 4:1 decision, upheld the scrapping of the presidential age limit clauses from the Constitution by Parliament prompting a group of three parties including the Uganda Law Society, lawyer Male Mabirizi and 6 opposition MPs led by Winnie Kiiza to challenge the decision before the Supreme Court.
It should be noted that before the constitutional court passed the first ruling on the matter, Bwanika is one of the people that has earlier filed a complain seeking a National referendum on the Age limit bill ahead of the passing of the highly anticipated bill however this plea was blocked by the attorney general who said that it would be a waste of time yet Justice and constitutional affairs ministry was busy reviewing the entire constitutional something that would also involve the introduction of electoral reforms.
On Thursday 18th April 2019, In a judgment ratio of 4:3 judges ruled that majority justices of the Constitutional Court that sat in Mbale town never erred when they ruled that the entire process of conceptualizing, debating and enactment of Constitution (Amendment) Act 2018 that removed the presidential age limit from the Constitution.
“The decision of the constitutional court is upheld and this appeal fails,” said Justice Eldad Mwanguya who read the final verdict on behalf of the Chief Justice Bart Katureebe who was unwell.
The verdict by the Supreme Court meant that President Museveni, who will be above 75 years will now be eligible to stand for election in 2021.
Justices Stella Amoko Arachi, Ruby Opio Aweri, Jotham Tumwesigye and Bart Katureebe upheld the decision of the constitutional court whereas justices Eldad Mwanguhya, Paul Mugamba and Lilian Tibatemwa disagreed with the lower court.