As part of the Commission’s mandate to coordinate and collaborate with relevant national and international organisations and safeguard the interests of consumers and operators, in matters relating to communication, the Commission has partnered with FIRST (global Forum for Incident Response Teams) to host a technical cybersecurity training.
The training five-day training taking place at the UCC Conference hall in Bugolobi started today Monday 13th May 2019 and will end on Friday 17th May 2019 having covered different thematic areas that include advanced persistent threat detection and protection which will help operators to protect critical communication infrastructure adequately.
The training will more specifically address; Advanced Persistent Threat and targeted attacks; Social networks used as an attack vector for targeted attacks; Advanced Persistent Threat incident handling; Digital Forensics and Incident Response; Incident handling during an attack on Critical Information Infrastructure; Incident handling in the cloud; Large scale incident handling; Incident handling in live role-playing; Conducting Exercises to Improve Incident Response
Mr Michael Bem the Executive Director, Chief Information Security Office Compliance and Operational Risk Control for UBS Business Solution AG is the lead facilitator.
About UgCERT
UCC signed an agreement with International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in November 2011 to establish a Sector CERT. On the 6thJune 2013, the Commission inaugurated the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) as an initiative to improve and secure communication services in Uganda.
CERT is an acronym; that stands for COMPUTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM. A Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a team that is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and responding to computer security incident reports and activity. Computer security incidents include crimes committed on the internet.
The CERT acts as a single point of contact for information dissemination and incident report and handling. The CERT together with different partners handles reported and foreseen incidents to help protect Internet services, consumers. Cybercrime is a borderless activity and as such UCC has partnered with various stakeholders for knowledge and experience sharing purposes.
The CERT has three main goals: Monitoring and handling cyber security incidents occurring within the communication sector; Guiding service providers on critical information infrastructure to adopt best practices in information security; Raising awareness levels of information security in the communication sector and consumers of sector services;
What are the typical computer security incidents; Any real or suspected adverse event about the safety of computer systems or computer networks.
Examples of computer incidents could include activity such as Child Pornography; Online Bullying / Harassment; Spamming / Phishing; Online Prostitution; Online Blackmail/extortion; Copyright Infringement; Computer Hacking; Website Defacement; Online Fraud; Online Impersonation; Incidents can be reported to the CERT through; Sending an email to cert@ucc.co.ug; the reporting page on the CERT website (www.ug-cert.ug) or Telephone: Toll-Free 0800 222 777