On Monday morning, Anti-Corruption Unit of State House led by its head Lt Col Edith Nakalema carried out an operation in Agago district.
This followed information she received related to corruption at Agaru SACCO in Agago district.
Nakalema said she received numerous complaints relating to mismanagement and corruption at Agaru SACCO that: Agaru was a UGX.30 billion SACCO operating in Agago, Pader and Kitgum Districts with a view of promoting financial deepening but was closed two years ago by the current Board.
190 members of Agaru SACCO have reported that they have failed to access their savings amounting to UGX 1Billion and that this has resulted into death of family members, school dropouts, breakages in marriage, societal strife etc.
The Supervisory Committee of Agaru indicated that sums of money have been borrowed by the Directors of the SACCO and there is no evidence of repayment.
Mr. Opio Ogal Moses borrowed Shs74m, Prof. Ogenga Latigo Shs63m, Mr. Onying James Penywi B/Chair Shs200m while Mr. Onying James Penywi allegedly deposited Shs100m on 31st January 2012, but no such record appears in the Bank Statement.
He is also holding the Office of the Board chairperson illegally as his term expired.
Ten (10) motorcycles, two (2) tractors, a Lorry and other properties belonging to Agaru SACCO have been taken over by the Board Chairman Mr. Onying James Penywi for private and personal businesses.
Bilaforce Auctioneers & Bailiffs Associates, has been contracted to collect none performing loans, and the company is collecting more than triple the loan amounts and those who have failed are sent to Patongo Prisons.
For example members of Winye Aye Teko Group borrowed UGX 5,600,000/= paid back UGX 4,000,000/= but the court bailiff is demanding the Group to pay UGX 21,000,000/= while Toona Cosmas borrowed UGX 3,000,000/= paid back UGX 4,000,000/= but the company is demanding UGX 12,000,000/=.
The firm of bailiffs is linked to the Counsel of Agaru SACCO, Mr. Ladwa Okidi Walter, who allegedly used the SACCO funds for his 2016 political campaign.