In the on going EAC Military Games and Cultural events, UPDF Netball team has today thrashed the Kenya Defence Forces netball team by 43 against 38 goals in favour of UPDF team
The match was played at the Kenyan Monetary Training Institute in Nairobi Kenya and was officiated by the Officer incharge Net ball technical Committee EAC Lt W. Chepleting.
Lt Chepleting implored players to mentain games discipline and realise that the games are meant to unite the participants of the East African countries and not to divide them basing on winners and losers.
In other games the UPDF volleyball team won Kenya side by 3 sets to Zero and went ahead to win Burundi volleyball team by 114 goals to 9. Making it three wins in five games so far played.
Tomorrow the UPDF team will face Burundi in volleyball, Southern Sudan in Basketball and Kenya in football.