Minister for the Presidency Hon Esther Mbayo has thanked the dedicated leadership and guidance from President Kaguta Museveni for tackling HIV/AIDS epidemic.
While addressing press at Uganda Media Centre on Wednesday, Mbayo said a recent review indicated the burden is still huge with 1000 people getting newly infected with HIV and 500 people dying of AIDS related illnesses every week.
She said Museveni launched “EndAIDSBy2030” as a Public Health threat by 2030 in an effort to reinvigorate national efforts especially HIV/AIDS prevention & awareness efforts.
Over the past two years, the AIDS Commission has been coordinating this Initiative.
During the launch, Museveni expressed concern about the way HIV/AIDS messaging has been confusing and misinforming the public.
“Correct and consistent messaging on preventing and managing HIV and AIDS should be at the core of all our interventions,” Mbayo noted.
Some of the themes that the President addresses include “Young people and HIV”, “HIV testing”, “Getting Men to embrace testing” and safer health care life styles”, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission”.
It is against this background that Museveni has provided a set of public awareness HIV/AIDS messages meant to contribute to ongoing efforts in ensuring the country is able to meet Global Targets of ending AIDS as a Public Health Threat by 2030.
“Museveni therefore calls upon all stakeholders, including media houses to embrace and support the presidential information campaign on HIV/AIDS communication,” Mbayo said.