While speaking at the opening ceremony of the Assessors Training workshop organised by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), Board chairman Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha urged assesors to put more emphasis on skills based assessments.
Dr. Silver said that there is need to stop the ping pong between employers abnd training institutions. “Employers are complaining that schools are sending them half baked graduands and the schools are attributing this to lack of traiing/ skilling opportunities for their students.” he noted
He added that UBTEB will collaborate with the world of work in order to produce graduates that are able to meet the demands of the employers.” The trainings should be demand driven.” he advised.
Dr. Silver guided assesors to implement a 70% practical and 30% theory assessment strategy.
“Previously we have been putting alot of focus on theory. You cannot learn how to lay pipes or make tables in class for example! Students need to go out and acquire this skills.” he advised.
In addition, he shared UBTEB’s plans to sign practical skilling MOU’s with industries i.e roofings Uganda Limited, UMEME, Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers (UIPE), Federation of Uganda Employers among many others.
Executive Secretary UBTEB Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye reechoed the need for collaboration with the world of work in order to produce graduates that are able to meet the demands of the employers.