Hon Maganda Julius Wandera, the Minister of State for East African Community Affairs Tuesday addressed the media about this week’s Cabinet Resolutions.
He said Cabinet sat on Monday November 11th 2019 at State House, Entebbe, and approved the establishment of the Eastern Africa Fusion and Liaison Unit (EAFLU) in Uganda.
The objectives of the unit are; to promote and coordinate intelligence sharing in the fight against terrorism, negative forces, armed groups, organized crime and any other form of transborder threats.
It is also to assist in achieving the objectives laid down in the Nairobi Summit through development, collation, processing, analysis and dissemination of actionable intelligence to relevant Law Enforcement and Security Services.
It will also create and operate a data base on terrorism and other forms of organized crime (individuals, groups, entities and undertakings).
It will further provide direction for intelligence gathering and collection; and establish regular communication among the parties and other strategic partners.