Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah, has given the Budget Committee of Parliament up to Friday, 31 February 2020 to present its report on the Budget Framework Paper for consideration and approval.
Oulanyah said that the Budget Committee and Parliament must consider the budgeting process within the timelines set out in the House Rules and the Public Finance Management Act.
“We are in the budget process. The rules say that by 01 February, the Budget Committee should have reported to this House and we should have approved but that date will be on a day when we are not sitting,” Oulanyah said.
The Deputy Speaker added that the Committee was finalising its reports to be presented to the House, which had to be debated timely, to enable other arms of government do their part of the budget process within timelines set by the law.
“In the entire budget process, there is only one institution that has done it’s best to stay within the timelines provided in the law and that is Parliament of Uganda. Let us discharge this burden within the timeframe and pass the torch back to the Executive arm of Government to do their bit,” Oulanyah said.
He added that expediting the initial work on the budget process would give other Government agencies time within which to finalize sectoral budgeting and bring it back to Parliament for consideration and passing.
The sectoral committees of parliament have been meeting with ministries, departments and agencies to consider the National Budget Framework Paper and thereafter present their reports to the Budget Committee chaired by Hon Amos Lugoolobi.
The Budget Committee then presents its report to the plenary for consideration and adoption.