During its special meeting held on 19th February 2020, the University Council considered the Management report, the Senate report, the report of the Finance, Planning, Administration and Investment Committee and reports of University Companies.
On behalf of the Chairperson of University Council, Mrs Lorna Magara, the Ag. University Secretary Yusuf Kiranda issued the Resolutions of the special meeting of the University Council.
He said the council agreed to: approve the Senate recommendation of candidates for the positions of Principal and Deputy Principal and accordingly recommend the following to the Chancellor for appointment:
Principal College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. Josephine Ahikire; Principal, College of Business and Management Sciences, Dr. Eria Hisali; Deputy Principal, College of Business and Management Sciences, Dr. Bruno Yawe and Deputy Principal, College of Health Sciences, Dr. Moses Kajja.
The council also agreed to defer consideration of the Senate recommendation of the candidate for Principal of the College of Health Sciences pending the decision on the petition raised by staff of the College.
The said petition shall be handled within a period of two weeks.
It approved the establishment of a Biomedical Research Centre in the School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Health Sciences and the Budget Performance Report for Quarter Two of FY2019/2020.
The council agreed to refer matters of Makerere University Holdings Company Limited and Makerere University Endowment Fund to the Audit Committee of Council and refer the proposed amendments to the Guild Electoral Regulations to the Legal, Rules and Privileges Committee, which shall report to Council within a period of one week.
The council agreed to refer matters of AFRISA to the different Committees of Council to wit: Legal matters be considered by the Legal, Rules and Privileges Committee, Financial and Administration matters be handled by Finance, Planning, Administration and Investment Committee and Audit matters be handled by the Audit Committee
g. To require all heads of Administrative Units to submit quarterly performance reports to the Vice Chancellor who in turn shall submit the reports to Council.
It agreed that the University Senate be required to set up a Search Committee for the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration).
The Management will investigate the operations of Makerere University Private Sector Forum and reports to Council at the next meeting.
It will extend the tenure of the outgoing Board of Directors of Makerere University Holdings Company Limited and the Board of Trustees of Makerere University Endowment Fund for one-year effective 31st August 2019.
The Management will consider alternative ways for graduands to access graduation gowns. This should include the option of purchasing or hiring the gowns.
The council agreed that there shall be no extension of stopgap and or short-term contracts beyond 31st March 2020 without authorisation of the Appointments Board.
The council further that management presents a proposed Grants Management Policy to the Legal, Rules and Privileges Committee within a period of two weeks.