Kasilo County MP, Hon Elijah Okupa has raised dust before the August House after proposing a move to have academic qualifications for local leaders reviewed.
Speaking during plenary on Wednesday afternoon, Okupa proposed that minimum qualifications of Advanced level(Senior six leaver) for councilors and chairpersons of municipal councils, town councils, city division councils and sub county councils, a move that raised a lot of mixed reactions.
Commenting on the same matter, Hon Muhammad Nsereko stated that we need people who can lead their people and also understand why they need to lead them.
“Do we drop qualifications at Sub County or relax them? Our view is that at Sub County, we can settle for O’Level.” He added.
Hon Janepher Egunyu; The LC3s should be left out but the mayors of municipalities and cities should have a minimum qualification of O’Level.
“We should leave out mayors of town councils. I also propose that we also increase qualification of MPs to a bachelor’s degree.” She noted.