Health ministry Permanent Secretary Dr. Diana Atwine has expressed her sincere excitement with the way the country is combating the Coronavirus epidemic.
In a tweet made last evening, Atwine stated that 104 suspected cases of coronavirus all tested negative.
She also implored nationals to continue staying at home and uphold social distancing move since Corona virus does not move, but moved by people.
“What a great relief that of all 104 tested people today none is positive .I am sleeping soundly .May God give us sleep to compensate for all sleepless nights we have spent for 6 days” She tweeted.
This came minutes after the Fountain of Honour had addressed the State, issuing other fresh guidelines including the banning of public transport for two weeks.
“Therefore, with immediate effect, the government is suspending public transport for 14 days. This directive affects taxis, coasters, minibuses, buses, all passenger trains, tukutukus (tricycles) and bodabodas carrying passengers. The rationale is to minimise movement and contact among people.” Museveni Stated adding that Only private vehicles are allowed to operate and these should not have more than three passengers, including the driver, at any single time. Therefore, let us not see families of more than three packed in a private car.