Ugandan Singer Eddy Kenzo has rubbished the social media rumors circulating about his worrying health.
Kenzo who was in Ivory Coast over the covid 19 preventive measures, was taken to hospital under critical conditions during the weekend a move that raised a lot of mixed reactions.
Kenzo said that he has ulcers that got stimulated to the unique foods in the Western Africa country, where they use a lot of cooking oil, and red pepper that reacted badly with is body.
He said different tests where carried up and he came out negative for Corona Virus and malaria.
Below is Kenzo statement.
Nayogedeko ne Kato last evening yabadde ne idea about helping our people with small money via mobile money and I told him it’s a good idea but I couldn’t talk much because I was in hospital and I sent him a picture aleme kulowoza nti mulimba. I also told him that I’m sick but sagala kanga bantu because we have enough problems going on.
I’m so disappointed in Ashbag kato. Siganye I’m sick but not corona and I will be fine InshAllah. Nyina bad ulcers ate abantu beno emmele yabwe ebamu buto munji era ne kamulali munji so emmele yeyarese obuzibu. Nafunye chance nenfuna bana Uganda wano, my brother Raga Dee connected me to his sister Ritah and her husband they are very good people era bebantute mu hospital and Stellah sent me a message on Instagram told me nti abera wano she can help on anything and cooked for us good Ugandan food so I’m ok bambi I’m still weak but I will be fine. They checked corona, Malaria and were all negative so I will be fine.