When you are facing tough financial times, you may get some support from a student loan deferment program. It is a feature of the federal student loan system which will enable you to delay payment of your student loan for a specified period of time. Before determining if a deferment is the best plan of action, however, there is a lot you should know.
Deferring Student Loan Deferment
A deferment of student loans requires the borrower with a federal student loan of temporarily quit making monthly repayments. A borrower may delay payments to their student loan whilst they’re in school, regardless of how long it takes to finish graduation, or for as long as 3 years after they’re out.
Here is what will happen when you defer student loan repayments
- You are not required to make any kind of repayments, however, if wish to do so, you can.
- Interest will begin to grow on your unsubsidized student loans, which will be credited to the principal (capitalized) amount until your deferment is done.
- Even though in deferment, the federal government must pay debt accrued on subsidized student loans. Therefore, if you begin deferment on subsidized loans with $10,000, it’s how much you will have before your deferment expires.
Eligibility For Deference Of Student Loans
Even if you are enrolled in a school(for at least half-time), you are entitled to delay your student loans until 6 months after graduation. It also happens if you reach grad school, even though you don’t have to borrow any extra funds or even if you’re involved in a fellowship program. This is recognized as a deferment in training and usually occurs automatically.

If you’re not in school, you will only be permitted to defer your loan payments for a maximum of 3 years. When you have not done so, you may be entitled to a deferment, if either of the aforementioned requirements applies:
- If you happen to be serving in the military under active duty in relation to war, military activity, or national emergency. You are also entitled to remain in one of these capacities for thirteen months after service. (In this scenario, the three-year limit does not apply.)
- If you happen to be undergoing cancer treatment or have completed the required treatment in the past 6 months.
- You are undergoing cancer treatment or finished your treatment in the past six months.
- If you serve the peace corps
- If you cannot find employment
- If you happen to be going through financial hardships. Although it is a vague requirement, obviously, which simply ensures that someone who has difficulty making their student loan repayment will be qualified for a deferment.
Besides fulfilling at least either of these conditions, there are a few other standards that should be met for a deferment of a student loan.
You are required to possess federal student loans that are available. That one is very simple but important to note. This incorporates Federal Direct Loans, PLUS Loans, Stafford Loans, and Federal Perkins Loans. Private lenders might have their own plans to delay payment if required but the information mentioned in this article is applicable to federal student loans.
You can’t get federal student loans by default. This usually occurs if you have not done at least nine months of your planned student loan payments and are not under forbearance or deferment.
Forbearance Vs Deferment
Both forbearance loans and deferment will offer short term relief for student loans. You are not required to make the regular student loan payments if you have a deferment or a forbearance.
The biggest distinction is that throughout deferment periods the government will cover the interest on the forgiven student loans, however, interest on other loans will continue to accrue under forbearance. No matter which plans you select, interest on your unsubsidized loans builds up.

If you happen to have subsidized federal student loans, the preferred option is simply a deferment. It is worth bearing in mind, however, that it could be simpler to receive a forbearance, particularly if you have reached the limit of 3 years for deferments.
There are some requirements that you may follow to receive compulsory forbearance, however for a variety of factors, including financial problems, you may qualify for a general or conditional forbearance for 12 months at a time.
It is important to remember that the lenders might have a clause when you have private student loans that enables you to delay your payments amid financial difficulties.
Student loan deferment is the best option if you happen to have subsidized federal or Perkins loans as interest on them will not accumulate. Forbearance is only to be considered if you are not eligible for deferment. Recall that forbearance and perseverance are a short-term relief for financial issues.
Income-based repayment (IBR) is a safer choice if the financial issues persist longer than 3 years, and you pay federal loan debts. For both cases, if ever happen to have difficulty making your loan payments, ensure you call the loan servicer immediately.