The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga said it will be so hard to refund all the money already allocated to lawmakers to fight COVID 19.
“By interfering with the Shs10 billion, the judge is interfering with the whole supplementary of Shs304 billion. That means it is all under injunction. It was all in one bill.” Kadaga said during Thursday plenary.
This was after the Attorney General, Hon William Byaruhanga revealed how the Clerk to Parliament had presented evidence to him showing that the Shs10 billion was paid on 17 April and yet the court order was issued on 21st April 2020.
The Attorney General informs the House that any money spent after the 21 April 2020 amounts to contempt of court.
The Speaker defers with the Attorney General saying that the court order was issued after the money had already been sent and its decision cannot be binding on members who are not part of the suit.
Kadaga further revealed that following a meeting with the President and the Prime Minister on the money advanced to Parliament, guidelines for MPs have been drawn.
“We agreed on how best the activities of Parliament can be incorporated in those being implemented by the gov’t structures. MPs will join & be incorporated in the district #COVID19 taskforces as members. The MPs will spend the funds advanced by the commission on the interventions meant to support the national response to #COVID19 in districts. The needs of one district may not be the needs of another. Each district will determine how to use the funds.” Kadaga said.
Rebecca Kadaga added that accountability of this money shall be made to the accounting officer of Parliament with the copy to the chief administrative officer of the district. MPs will adhere to the gov’t guidelines on #COVID19 & shall not distribute food & organize meetings.
“That court order was overtaken by events. However, that court order is binding and it is incumbent to parliament and gov’t that the court order is respected contrary of which, tantamounts to contempt of court” Kadaga said.