Kampala, Uganda: The UK Government announces its support to the Government of Uganda’s efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease and to respond to the impacts of SARS-COV-2 coronavirus.
We are supporting Government of Uganda (GoU) at both national and district levels. We have provided £500,000 to the World Health Organisation (WHO) to strengthen testing, surveillance and contact tracing, as well as screening at Uganda’s borders. With a contribution of £167,000 to the World Food Programme we have established a temporary screening facility for international arrivals at Entebbe Airport. Our health programmes continue their work to protect health workers and essential health services.
The UK recognises the importance of maintaining safe trade routes between Uganda and her neighbours. Through Trade Mark East Africa, we support the ongoing expansion of a regional electronic cargo tracking system and are working to help protect drivers and communities at points of entry and along transit routes. We continue to support the GoU to protect elderly people and refugees; as well as in maintaining learning while schools are closed.
The Head of Office of the UK’s International Development arm in Uganda, Andrew Ockenden said:
“Our contribution will help cater for the most immediate public health needs in Uganda to help counter the spread of the virus. The UK has already been a strong and constant international partner throughout the Ebola response and is key player in the fight against malaria. We remain committed to the Ugandan people and are proud to now be able to help in the fight against Coronavirus in Uganda.”
Since 2017, the UK has invested over £90.5 million in strengthening Uganda’s health system and building the country’s capacity to deliver key public health needs to deal with outbreaks. This includes £7.5 million in the last two years to support Uganda’s preparedness and response to Ebola Viral Disease.
Through the completed Trademark East Africa Phase 1 programme, the UK provided £37.9 million to strengthen regional integration, improve trade competitiveness and promote trade-led growth. In 2017 the UK committed to provide a further £25 million over 5 years (ending 2023) towards Strategy 2 programming.
The UK has supported the Government’s Expanding Social Protection programme, which includes the Senior Citizens grants with £49 million since 2016.
UK funding is supporting improved learning outcomes through a £46 million education programme targeting government delivery of primary education in 27 local governments and support to non-profit provider Promoting Equality in African Schools (PEAS), providing quality schooling to 13,346 children.
DFID especially targets the outcomes of girls through its Girls’ Education Challenge Fund in Uganda, and works with the British Council to connect Ugandan schools with UK schools for improved learning outcomes. The UK is also the largest cumulative donor to the Global Partnership for Education and the largest donor to the Education Cannot Wait fund.