Minister of Finance Hon. Matia Kasaija has implored Ugandans to remain focused on activities that bring about economic development.
Speaking during the Budget reading session at Parliament this afternoon, Kasaija stated that our economy continues to grow despite the existence of the Covid19 Challenge.
“Today, we face unprecedented times. The global Corona Virus pandemic has, without exception, impacted lives and economic activity across the world. The pandemic has worsened the effects of climate change and the locust invasion that Uganda and the region had already been grappling with. Uganda has been reasonably successful in dealing with these emergencies. Allow me to commend His Excellency the President for his visionary leadership in the fight against these natural disasters and emergencies.” Kasaija said.
He revealed how Karuma Hydro Power plant is 98% complete. Prior date of commissioning was extended from December 2019 to December 2020 in order to complete the interconnection bridge.
“The electrification of industrial parks is progressing well. Transport infrastructure has increased. In the air transport sector, the expansion of Entebbe International of Kabale Airports is progressing as scheduled.” He stated.
Kasaija also noted that Crime surveillance has been enhanced by deploying LDUs across the county. Crime levels reduced by 9.8%.
“To increase access to justice, we have established one-stop centres at house hall justice services in 64 districts across the country.” He suggested.
This year’s National Budget Speech is under the theme: “Stimulating the economy to safeguard livelihoods, jobs, businesses and industrial recovery.