Yet to be identified goons people have this Friday attempted to kidnap Rajiv Ruparelia, the son of city businessman Sudhir Ruparelia.
The incident was caught by security cameras outside Sudhir’s Kololo home in Kampala.
According to the video, Rajiv left his father’s home in the morning and went for a walk.
What shocked the world, a few minutes in the road, a white van pulled beside him. Along with his dog, the director of Ruparelia Group was quickly surrounded by people who grabbed him.
Its at this point that the dog tried to fight them off but they managed to drag him inside the van.
It is not clear what transpired later but Rajiv is reported safe and well.
It should be noted that the Ruparelia Group has been battling court cases against Bank of Uganda, However, The case is being investigated by Kira Police Station.