The Independent Electoral Commission of Uganda has maintained its position on the highly waited 2021 general elections.
Speaking during the stakeholders meeting in Kampala last week, the Commission’s Director Operations, Mulekwah Leonard stated that the election shall be normal but there is only issues to regulate mass gathering.
“Some people had dubbed it scientific but EC has been very careful because this is not a scientific election. Most of the activities we do are guided by the law. The most critical and guideline law is the constitution.” Mulekwah said.
In the same line, Mr. Mulekwah added that to reduce the attraction of a large number of people, the Electoral Commission shall provide downloadable nomination forms and guidelines. Design and conduct rigorous publicity and voter education campaigns to include anti-COVID-19 messages.
Article 61(2), in particular, directs the Electoral Commission to hold presidential, general parliamentary and local governments councils elections within the first thirty days of the last one hundred and twenty-two days. Before the expiration of the term of office of the President, Parliament or Local Governments Councils, as the case may be.
Mr. Mulekwah Leonard also revealed that Some of the strategies to mitigate the spread of #COVID19 during the election include;
-Publicity and Voter education channels to be through TV, Radio, Print, Posters, Leaflets, SMS, and Social Media Platforms.
-Aspiring Candidates to be accompanied by Nominator and Seconder only and with gloves and masks.
-Deployment of health workers at Nomination Centres to conduct temperature checks.
-Provide adequate working space to enforce social distancing.
-Provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs).
-Provision and use of hand-washing facilities with soap and water.
-Deployment of health workers at Nomination Centres to conduct temperature checks.
-Regularly clean surfaces and objects in workplaces/centres (desks, tables, pens, door handles, keyboards, etc) touched by people frequently with alcohol-based solution sanitizers.
-Use of adequate and ideal transport to enforce social distancing.