UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Rosa Malango has implored the Uganda Electoral commission to do its best in organizing a free and after election come 2021.
Speaking during the Stakeholders meeting in Kampala, Malango stated that she encourages the Electoral Commission to continue to apply these lessons and to share them with stakeholders as preparations continue for elections in early 2021.
“I would like to highlight that although elections are just one brick in the home that is a democracy, they bear the uncanny ability to disrupt the trajectory of a country’s developmental path when issues are allowed to fester. Uganda has been on a commendable path from the turbulent days of civil strife to recovery and consolidating hard-earned peace.” Ms. Rosa Malango stated.
She added that Covid 19 has brought an unexpected challenge to the world, it affects both the most established democracies as well as developing nations.
“This is not only a health crisis but also a major socio-economic crisis that provides each nation with the opportunity to reassess its approaches to safety and security, humanitarian action, to sustainable development as well as to governance and human rights.” She added.
Ms. Rosa Malango also revealed that Countries in Africa have responded to the crisis in a manner that should be applauded. Uganda was very decisive in its response right at the beginning when countries in the region begun recording cases of Covid-19 within their borders.
“Uganda is to be commended for preparing to hold an election despite the pandemic. It is demonstrative of the building blocks that have gone into creating stability, peace, and development over the years.” She noted adding that Uganda has taken useful lessons from countries that have held elections as well as those who have postponed elections during this period.
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the Electoral Commission will have to work with all of you present today and others to ensure that citizens are both safe from violence and the COVID19 virus as they prepare and later participate in the elections.
The new normal will require constant engagement to figure out how to roll out these protective measures while preserving key elements of this emerging democracy.
“I implore all present to give dialogue a chance as the country embarks on an unfamiliar territory for conducting an election. The UN shall continue accompanying the Electoral Commission, political parties, civil society, insider mediators, and other stakeholders in this quest for credible and inclusive elections.” Ms. Rosa Malango said.