By Innoncent Kiiza
Tension in Kasese district as River Mubuku blasts it banks and putting to waste of crops and houses. This follows a rampage of rain following last nights and day that ravaged a number of gardens in maliba and Areas of Karusandara Sub County in Kasese District.
The retraining of the ever flooding river Nyamwamba channel in Kasese district was commenced a year ago by government after the contract was awarded to Arab Contractors Company at a tune of shillings 9.8 billion but this has not save people in Kilembe, bulembia and Nyamwamba after it flooded and destructed a lot of property including Kilembe mine hospital leading to its re-location after a heavy hit down.
The retraining works which was centered on excavating and de-silting of the river channels at some identified hotpots to remove stones and other debris from the main stream of Nyamwamba river to flesh floods effectively has lead the lower parts to be in the spot light
since it was done in the half way.
Ezra Turyahebwa Karusandara sub county chairperson flash floods according to locals in Karusandara came from the water channel of river Mubuku which busted its banks last night following a heavy
downpour in the area.
Turyahebwa listed the most affected area like kanamba, Kyalanga, Kabunga, Kinyayobyo, Sebwe, kabunga, Mubuku ii and Kivengenye, adding that crops like maize, beans, bananas and coffee have been washed away by the floods.
According to Monday john Wakighoma an Aspirant candidate for local council chairperson said that fresh floods in Maliba has hardly been hit forcing people to seek reguggee at nearby schools , adding that some lives have been lost in Kalumanga kitswamba sub country and some parts have been cut off.
Addressing journalists today, The district chairperson Sibendire Bigogo,said that kasese currently has no means of responding to any natural disaster should it occur again in the district, adding that his
worry is that what happened in Buddu may also happen in Maliba and karusandara.
Kasese is one of the disaster hit districts in Uganda with two simultaneous floods ravaging the area between May 2014 and June 2016 and recently in May 2020 leaving Kilembe hospital hit down and 2 people dead, thousands displaced and a lot of properties destroyed.

According to Kasese municipality Mp Robert Centenary said that the locals initiative which started by locals to de-silting the upper stream of river Nyamwamba was to contain the water pressure and also plant water bamboo stems on shores but this couldn’t do much.
However he revealed that 27.7 billion has been secured in the upcoming integrated flood risk management project aimed at sorting out the disastrous river Nyamwamba flood challenges. He added that the project is to be commence in January since the final negotiations are taking place with donors