The new Member of Parliament for Rukiga County in Rukiga district Hon. Roland Ndyomugyenyi has said his people of Rukiga will always be put first when he is legislating on the floor of the 11th Parliament.
The MP said this after taking oath of parliament as Uganda’s 11th Parliament MPs assume offices. Speaking at luncheon to celebrate his swearing in at Ndere Centre in Ntinda, Hon. Roland once again pledged to serve the people of Rukiga to the best of his ability and promised to fix most of the problems being faced with- “Tukitereeze” a sour campaign slogan.
“I am glad that our people believed in my manifesto and I promise that with my wide local and international connections, we shall achieve so much in the coming years,” Hon. Roland said.
Below is the full speech by Hon. Roland ;
Remarks by Hon Roland Ndyomugyenyi at the swearing-in ceremony as MP for Rukiga County Rukiga District- 19th May 2021 at Parliament of Uganda.
With utmost humility and a heart full of gratitude to the great people of Rukiga Constituency, my family, friendsand relatives who supported, voted and prayed for meduring this last election, I thank you. Your faith and trust in me humbled me and gave me the honor to begin a journey of unprecedented development agenda for our young district.
As I begin this journey, I pledge allegiance to the people of Rukiga and promise that they will always be put first when I am legislating on the floor of the 11th Parliament.
During the campaign period, I pledged to serve the people of Rukiga to the best of my ability and promised to fix most of the problems being faced with- “Tukitereeze” asour campaign slogan. I am glad that our people believed in my manifesto and I promise that with my wide local and international connections, we shall achieve so much in the coming years.
Here are my major areas to tackle during the next 5 years.

Reduction of Poverty
I will legislate laws aimed at reducing poverty levels which are currently estimated at 26% nationally. This requires a multi-pronged approach and putting in place laws that are pro poor including taxation and ensuring equity and equality in resources distribution. In addition, there is a need to create an enabling environment for the people through increased service delivery and extension of income generating activities and projects
Agriculture is the engine of not only Rukiga’s economic growth but the whole country at large. Agriculture also remains the largest employer and my priority will be to increase farmer’s income and rural development.
The main cash crops grown in Uganda remain coffee, cotton, tobacco and tea with Rukiga’s traditionally grown food crops being potatoes, beans, onions and sorghum.
The production of the above food crops is affected by over reliance on traditional farming methods, use of low fielding varieties, post-harvest losses, small farm sizes, limited access to finance and lastly presence of low market levels. Through government programmes, I will introduce the farming of cash crops so that people don’t only plant for food but also for income.
Rukiga currently has a health system that is in dire state with no medicines, no doctors and other healthcare workers. I will lobby for a hospitable healthcare system that is universally accessible, affordable effective and drastically reduces the out of pocket spending on health. I will ensure that each sub county has a health centre III and the current 2 health centre IVs are upgraded to hospital levels with medical equipment and trained health workers.
I believe that education is the most important and powerful tool for the advancement of the nation and the most potent weapon to fight poverty. Education in Rukiga needs to be revitalized and reorganized to make future generations proud of their culture, heritage, history and also creating confidence in the students of Rukiga and the country at large.

“Every effort shall be made to ensure equality of opportunity access and success to all learners; creating a harmonious and cohesive learning environment that produces high skilled people who are employable in the long run. Education should not only lead to employability but also job creation and entrepreneurship by introducing a national multi skills orientation”.
Youth Empowerment and Music, Dance & Drama
The future of Uganda lies in the youngsters of our society, with their potential, I considers the youth as the most productive asset of the nation who can make it possible for our economy to achieve our intended double digit growth given the opportunity to flourish. I will mobilizethe Youth for self help projects and lobby the government through the current available opportunities for the youths to ensure that their incomes improve, their skills are enhanced and through music, dance & drama, their talents are identified and harnessed.
Considering the poor roads network in the country and Rukiga in particular, with the attendant implication of this problem on the cost of doing business and the mobility of people and produce, I will work and fast track the process of tarmacking all roads proposed by government in the district, ensure road funds are properly utilized and also the funding for roads in increased. In addition, I will lobby for Rukiga to share on the proposed community access and district roads that are to be implemented in the next 5 years.
Water is essential for both home use and industrial production. I will collaborate with the relevant authorities to extend safe water supply to areas where there’scurrently no water, which will reduce on the burden of both children women going to wells or boreholes to fetch water. “I will lobby to make sure the Rukiga benefits from the support of rural water supply projects being implemented by the ministry of water and environment”.
I will ensure that almost every house has access to electricity by 2026, by lobbying for energy projectscurrently being implemented by Rural Electricity Agency (REA) and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.
We shall address the cause of poor service delivery to the people of Uganda and Rukiga in particular and ensure that every coin appropriated by government is put to good use, delivers value for money and is fully accounted for in support of improved production and competitiveness for our country. The biggest challenge to service delivery in uganda is corruption and poor accountability. I will champion anti corruption and anti bribery policies using the available government structures to enhance social services delivery to our people.
“It is indeed a privilege to share my thoughts with you the citizens of Rukiga district on our grand vision and mission to move our district’s socio economic agenda forward through delivering a strong, prosperous economic and a secure modern society thus the theme “lets fix it”, Tukitereze.
I promised to be an effective and transformational leader ensuring efficiency at every level of government so that every citizen as a Ugandan especially in Rukiga has a voice and can directly benefit from any development agenda. The waste of resources of the state through corruption shall be fought with vigour and determination.
“There should be no limit to what we and our generation can achieve. It’s our time to fix, redirect the socio economic agenda for ourselves and successive generations to come. Be the change you want and let us fix and work together towards the noble ideas that can move our country and Rukiga district forward from now and tomorrow,”
“I believe with all my experience in my past leaderships, I shall lead Rukiga with the right agenda. I am not promising the impossible, I have done my research thus my promises are viable. I should say that the chance has come for us to bring a change and the power is in our hands now. Thank you and God bless