At a time when hundreds of learned lawmakers that mocked Hon. Muhammad Ssegirinya over academic papers, the heart to serve our constituents has been depicted during these trying Covid-19 times.
As the educated lawmakers continue to run from the voters and switching off their mobile phones, Kawempe North’s MP Muhammad Ssegirinya, the man from the Ghetto has entered in the books of good and exemplary leaders even before spending a month in the August House.
Ssegirinya has bought a second ambulance to help ferry Covid-19 patients during tough times when government is struggling to evacuate locals.
Mr Update said on Sunday that his decision was prompted by the increasing cases of coronavirus.

“Due to high increase of covid-19 case, I have decided to buy another ambulance for up country covid cases.”
This becomes the second ambulance the legislator is buying within the same month.
Ndugu @HonSsegirinyaMu continuing to support his people with whatever it takes to make them better. This boy asked him to empower his basin selling business and the good honorable gave him Ugx200K.
Like I said earlier, we know who@the real honorables are! pic.twitter.com/zBCmNfBp6D— UGAMAN🔱🔱🔱 (@Ugaman01) June 20, 2021
At the start of June, he bought a new ambulance for his people with an intention of improving the lives of people who leave in Kawempe and Uganda at large.
“I was not just voted to be a member of parliament for Kawempe North, but also the whole of Uganda, I have to represent the common people and i am ready to help whoever in need,” Segirinya said.

“If a comedian can do what the smart so called politicians can’t do, then I encourage every Ugandan to become a comedian,” he noted.
Segirinya managed to become a Member of Parliament after the influence of the “Vote Umbrella” campaign.
He came on the National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket ousting the incumbent Latif Ssebagala.
I have added more oxygen cylinders in our Ambulance 🚑. pic.twitter.com/ZzNcJjN7ZR— Hon Ssegirinya Muhammad MR UPDATE (@HonSsegirinyaMu) June 20, 2021