Ugandans have heard with disbelief Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi the Leader of the National Unity Platform, calling on all western countries not help Ugandans get vaccines and other froms of help in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic.
After losing presidential elections, Using social media and international media, Kyagulanyi has resorted to using ludicrous allegations misinforming Ugandans and the international community.
While calling on USA and European Countries not to Aid Ugandans fight against Covid-19 via CNN and his social media, he made alot of false allegations without putting in consideration the ordinary Ugandans who are dying from the pandemic.
He alleged that the regime in Kampala lacks legitimacy, which islaughable and shameful sincr the power to organize an election and to declare winners is vested in the electoral commission under Article 60 and 61 of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Any other results or declaration is just nonsense.
The elections in Uganda were conducted in a free, fair and peacefulenvironment as per the recommendations of the AU , EAC and otherinternationally accredited election observe teams and candidate YoweriKaguta Museveni was declared the winner and inaugurated on May 12th2021.
Kyagulanyi had a chance to challenge the election outcomes before the Supreme Court butchose to withdraw the petition because he had no single evidence tocause for the nullification of the election. Even in the public courthe threatened to resort to he had nothing to convince it and all hehad to do was to lie low like an envelope. Kyagulanyi also wants to portray Uganda government as if it has misusedthe loans from the International Monitory Fund (IMF) which is not thecase. First of all IMF and the Ugandan authorities reached agreementon a program to support the first next phase of the response to healthcrisis by the pandemic. The first money was used to support thegovernment reforms and helped to meet the financing needs.
Like many other countries, Uganda was hit by the Covid 19 shock andthe disruption in the global trade and containment measures put inplace to limit the spread of the virus. This means that the economicactivities sharply contracted in the second quarter of 2020. While theeconomic activity then tried to pick up in, public health is stillunder pressure with the roll out of COVID 19 vaccines need to be givenmuch attention.
The claim that the money was misused is not true. The money is for toforestall a greater humanitarian crisis and necessary to fight theCovid 19 pandemic. Access to vaccines is critical and any help fromthe international community is much required.
However Kyagulanyi is desperately fighting this. He wants to see millions of Ugandans dying from the pandemic.