The state Minister of State for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs – Kyofatogabye Kabuye has warned House of Prayer Ministries International (HPMI) lead Pastor Aloysius Bugingo to stop refusing his followers from getting vaccinated for Covid-19.
Kyofatogabye says over the weekend during his Sunday service, Pastor Bugingo told his followers that he does not believe in people getting vaccinated, especially the born-again Christians.
During news interview with CBS FM on Monday, the Minister disclosed that he was very disappointed with some religious leaders like Bugingo who have decided to go against the presidential directives on Covid-19.
“Yesterday, we tried to monitor the operations of places of worship however we were disappointed that some churches did not do as they were ordered to do although most of them tried to abide by the law. But Pr. Bugingo of all people disappointed me for telling his people not to go for vaccinations yet the presidential directives were very clear directing them to encourage their people to go for Covid-19 vaccination,” Kyofatogabye said.
The minister warned that they are to hold a meeting to find ways on how to deal with errant religious leaders like Bugingo.
Last Wednesday, President Yoweri Museveni reopened places of worship which were closed during the second Covid-19 lockdown in June, 2021.
Addressing the nation on the situation of Covid-19 in Uganda, Museveni said places of worship were now free to open under limited number of worshippers of not more than 200 provided the church/mosque can ensure physical distancing of 2 metres on either side and adequate aeration.
“There must be strict adherence to all SOPs at all times ie handwashing/use of alcohol based sanitizers, temperature monitoring and consistent wearing of face masks by all congregants including the preachers and choir,” the President said in a televised address.