President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni says he will be holding a public ceremony at Kololo during which he will read out names of corrupt ministers and other government officials.
These people, he says, have failed to tame their uncontrollable desire for bribes and as such, besides publicly shaming their actions, he will also be firing them.
He made the revelation while closing a two day retreat of all cabinet ministers which took place at Kololo Independence grounds.
In regard to this statement, has put civil servants on tenterhooks after news of scheduling a meeting with Col. Edith Nakalema leaked to the public.
The President says he has finally landed the list of corrupt ministers who take bribes from investors alongside coercing them to fund their children and girlfriends’ tuition in expensive universities overseas. As if that’s not enough, they also have them sponsor their vacations to opulent destinations.
His Excellency threatened that the ministers guilty of corruption and fraud would ‘regret the day they were born’ and their shameful acts would be brought to the knowledge of the public who will then know he means business.
This comes shortly after the Museveni directed the newly appointed Inspector General of Government, Hon. Beti Kamya-Turwomwe, to give the fight against corruption serious attention noting that the people were tired of corrupt officials.
“Your offices are infiltrated, start by cleaning it up and link with the public to collect vital information. Be patient and connect with local people,” the President said at the swearing in ceremony of the IGG on September 22nd, 2021, at State House Entebbe.
Perhaps finally the government will earn the trust of the public as far as the fight against grand-scale and petty corruption is concerned.