Today, the Minister of State for Water Hon. Aisha Sekindi officiated at the ground breaking ceremony of Kyenjojo-Katooke Piped Water Supply and Sanitation System in Kyenjojo District.
The ground breaking ceremony was attended by the Ministry of Water and Environment Officials, Political Leadership of Kyenjojo-Katooke, Contractor, Consultant and the Community.

The Ministry of Water and Environment through Strategic Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (STWSSP) is implementing the construction of the water supply system in Kyenjojo-Katooke that has been contracted to M/s Royal Techno Industries Limited – Velko Infratek PPL JV.
The Consultant who will supervise the Project will be M/s Sari Consulting Limited in association with SGAPI.

The construction of the water supply system in Kyenjojo-Katooke is being funded by the African Development Bank secured by the Government of Uganda.
The water system will serve 36 Villages in Katooke Sub County and Town Council and 34 Villages in Kyenjojo Town Council.

The population to be served by the water system in Kyenjojo- Katooke is; Initial (2020) is 26,316 and Final (2040) is 73,101.
The water source is River Aswa a tributary of River Muzizi. The Project is expected to be completed by May 2022.