The Archbishop of Church of Uganda The Most Rev Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu has today received 20 heifers from National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) that will be delivered to Busoga Diocese later in the day.
The heifers received today from the NAADS Secretariat in Kampala are in addition to the 39 heifers already delivered in Kitgum Diocese, 40 in West Lango Diocese, 40 in Central Buganda Diocese and 20 in Busoga Diocese. 200 piglets were also distributed to each of the aforementioned Dioceses.
According to Dr. Samuel Mugasi the Executive Director of NAADS, Church of Uganda will also received 10,000 croilers, 100,000 pawpaw seedlings, a ginger processing plant and a coffee hauler.
Archbishop Kaziimba commended the government of Uganda through NAADS for partnering with Church of Uganda to develop communities through providing them with agriculture in puts and machinery.
He also thanked the government for the tractors that were distributed to Dioceses and reported that they are being used well and testimonies are already being shared.

Mr. Balaam Muheebwa the Provincial Treasurer said the Provincial Secretariat has already dispatched two teams to meet with the leadership of the Dioceses and beneficiaries to prepare them for implementation of this partnership.
On 24th March 2022, Church of Uganda signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Uganda through National Agriculture Advisory Services, NAADS, to strengthen agriculture production in the Province.
The MoU will see the Government of Uganda inject UGX 2Bn in establishment of farmer demonstration and learning hubs for selected enterprises in the Province, training farmer groups on appropriate agronomic practices for selected crop enterprises, conducting joint monitoring visits by the implementing partners among other activities.