Members of Parliament on Saturday, 04 June 2022 celebrated the life of Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala, the Minister of Works and Transport after an assassination attempt last year.
Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa who spoke at the thanksgiving ceremony in Kikandwa, Nakifuma County in Mukono district, lauded Katumba Wamala for selflessly loving and serving his country even during times of tribulations.
Katumba Wamala organised the thanksgiving to thank God for the second chance at life following the shooting incident on 01 June 2021 when assailants attacked him in his car in Kisaasi, Kampala, killing his daughter, Brenda Nantongo Katumba and bodyguard, Haruna Kayondo.
“As the Parliamentary fraternity, we love you [Katumba Wamala] and thank God for saving your life. Gen. Katumba Wamala is one of the people loved in the country. But like the Archbishop put it, whenever you are loved, the more you are hated. I have just come to discover in public life that the day you grow, there are some people looking for breaking news on how you will fall and it is their prayer every day. It is a shame, but that is how our world is,” Tayebwa said.

He urged political office bearers to prepare themselves to face such negativity from people who are enemies of progress.
The Archbishop of Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Dr Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu who was the main celebrant at the thanksgiving condemned acts of assassination and urged Christians to put their trust in God because it i only him who has the authority and power over human existence.
“Let us value life and respect each other’s life because each one of us wants to live. Life is very important. Sometimes God does not send us his angels to protect us, he comes himself with his excessive, extravagant power to save us. He comes down and defeats our enemies,” Kaziimba Mugalu said.
Gen. Katumba Wamala, also a former Chief of Defence Forces said: “I want to thank God for the second chance at life… Today, I stand before you as a testimony that God is faithful and merciful, and it is by His Grace that I am not being referred to as the late Katumba.”

The choir at the thanks giving service in Kikandwa, Mukono district
According to Katumba Wamala, the best gift to God for sparing his life is to construct a new prayer house at St Mark Kikandwa Church of Uganda as a reminder of His goodness and enduring mercy.
During the fundraising, the Deputy Speaker handed over Speaker Anita Among’s contributions of US$10,000. He also made a personal contribution of Shs10 million.

President Yoweri Museveni who was represented by the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, contributed Shs50 million, while the latter also made a personal contribution of Shs10 million.
In his speech read by the Prime Minister, Museveni welcomed the gesture to support churches saying they are the cornerstones of a moral and spiritual society.
Ministers present contributed a total sum of Shs32 million. Over Shs300 million was raised during the fundraising.