This weekend marks the start of Term-II school holidays and parents are reminded to allow their children to play for better development and learning.
The Ministry of Education and Sports – Uganda is currently championing play-based learning by recognizing the pivotal role of play in childhood development, which it has integrated into the national curriculum to foster holistic growth among students. This initiative is in response to global recognition of the importance of play in education.
Play improves the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and young people because they learn skills they need for study, work and interaction. Play promotes self-discovery, fosters language development, encourages physical fitness, emotional regulation, cultivates imagination and creativity, stimulates curiosity and exploration, and strengthens family bonds and friendships.
Marketing Manager, Fresh Dairy – Vincent Omoth said, “This school holiday season, Fresh Dairy has unveiled a fun play challenge for all holiday makers dubbed ‘Kids do the darndest things’ with Fresh Dairy flavoured yoghurt. We are calling upon parents to allow their children to express themselves using Fresh Dairy’s flavoured yoghurt. It could be a Yoghurt moustache, splash, sip or anything fun they can do with Fresh Dairy’s flavoured yoghurt.”
To win weekly goodies, parents simply shall inbox the fun pictures taken of their ‘Kids do the darndest things’ with Fresh Dairy yoghurt, to our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages – @FreshDairyUg. Since winners will be announced twice this holiday season, hurry to compete while the challenge is still on, added Omoth.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently granted the first ever qualified health claim for yoghurt, acknowledging that “Eating yoghurt regularly, at least two cups (three servings) per week, may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes according to scientific evidence.
Fresh Dairy flavoured yoghurt is nutrient-rich with Energy, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat and Calcium among others, crucial nutrients to support the body with essential nutrition, and comes in 450g, 250g, 150g, 100g cups and 400g and 200g Pouch packs, available countrywide in shops, duukas, kiosks, supermarkets and Tuk Tuk agents.
Omoth concluded by encouraging parents to enjoy the convenience of ordering for Fresh Dairy’s flavoured yoghurt anytime anywhere by simply calling our customer care toll free line on 0800100020/21 or WhatsApp 0715744664, Pay from anywhere anytime electronically and the orders will be delivered to their doorsteps.