Author: Joseph Mulinde

On one chilly evening, when I was chilling with Morris, catching up and occasionally checking our phones, on a cup of coffee, I stumbled upon a screenshot of a viral post from Halimah Salmah. The post read, “A society that tells a broke man, he is not worthy of a woman, has no right to tell a man to stick to one woman once he is rich.” The group chat, which had been buzzing with activity, suddenly went numb. I couldn’t help but wonder what the previously vocal members were thinking. Halimah’s post struck a chord, highlighting the hypocrisy in…

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I recently sparked an interesting conversation on my X platform by posting, “The future of intellectual life is in Africa.” My friend Conrad responded with a thought-provoking comment, “Only if we rethink our education system.” While I agree with him, I believe it starts even earlier – at home, with parents as the first teachers. Africa’s competitive job market demands higher levels of education and expertise, driving individuals to pursue advanced degrees. This pressure has an intellectual upside, but also a downside – parents often leave childcare to maids, who pass on their limiting beliefs and experiences to the children.…

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