The Chief Justice, Hon.Justice Bart M. Katureebe, appointed a 14 member committee chaired by the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr. Yorokamu Bamwine, to review and make proposals on amending Civil Procedure Rules.
In a communication titled Office Instrument 1 of 2017, the Chief Justice stated that Civil Procedure rules are handmaidens of justice instead of being a bar to sound administration of justice and it is, therefore, important, that they are reviewed to facilitate the expeditious disposal of cases.
The objective of the committee is to:-
- a) Expedite the disposal of civil cases;
- b) Ensuring adequate preparation of cases before trial;
- c) Reducing delay of cases and maximizing judicial time;
- d) Re-engineering business processes for civil justice;
- e) Improving access to justice for unrepresented litigants;
- f)Simplifying the procedure and practices;
- g) Improving and streamlining case management;
- h) Prevent abuse of interim orders;
- i) Giving judicial officers greater powers to expeditiously dispose of cases and administer substantive justice;
- j) Reviewing the powers of Registrars; and
- k) Carrying out any other functions as may be assigned to the Committee by the Chief Justice.
The Committee is expected to make an interim report covering the Committee’s work for the first month as well as an end term report with draft amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules.
Composition of the Committee:
Name | Title | Responsibility | |
1. | Hon. Justice Dr. Yorokamu Bamwine | Principal Judge | Chairperson |
2. | Hon. Justice Egonda-Ntende | Justice of the Court of Appeal | Deputy Chairperson |
3. | Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire | Justice of the Court of Appeal | Member |
4. | Hon. Justice D.K Wangutusi | Judge of the High Court | Member |
5. | Hon. Justice Stephen Musota | Judge of the High Court | Member |
6. | Hon. Justice Christopher Madrama | Judge of the High Court | Member |
7. | Hon. Justice Flavia Senoga Anglin | Judge of the High Court | Member |
8. | Hon. Justice Andrew Bashaija | Judge of the High Court | Member |
9. | H/W Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa | Chief Registrar | Member |
10. | The President Uganda Law Society | Member | |
11. | The Director Civil Litigation, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs | Member | |
12. | H/W Sarah Langa | Deputy Registrar | Member |
13. | Mr. Andrew Khaukha | Technical Advisor, Judiciary | Resource/ Technical Person |