The minister of Finance Hon. Matia Kassaijja has warned opposition members to be careful with their actions against the lifting of the presidential age limit.
Speaking to Journalists at his office early on Thursday morning, Kasaija said Opposition need to respect people’s decisions whether right or wrong since they have a right to speak out their mind and make decisions.
He also said that opposition need to denounce backward acts of fighting police officers and other government officials warning that they are armed and have authority to shoot; therefore they can shoot those that attack them.
“This nonsense of opposition must stop, who are you to fight police, I feel pity for the Ugandans who attack government officials, they are forgetting that these officials are armed and have a right to shoot whoever attacks them.” Kasaija said.
He however added that such acts are dangerous for a country since they cripple the economy growth something that can affect government’s vision of transforming to middle income status.
Kassaija needs to chose his words carefully. Apart from the fact that if this language had been used by an opposition member it would have been construed as incitement, a young man has just lost his life due to the stupidity of this proposal. He should remember that the Tunisian revolution was sparked off by the death of a man who set himself alight as a protest at his treatment by the police. The fact that the security forced have guns is no much for people power once they get galvanised into action. Kassaija and co. might find themselves speaking to us from the wrong side of prison bars.
In light of the reports that M7 and Tumukunde have expressed regret about the killing of the young man, will Kassaija have the humility and good manners to retract his statements about the police having the right to kill innocent Ugandans? I bet he doesn’t.