I am proud that I am alive today, to bear witness to one of the most defining moments of our history.
I write this piece a day after the fresh presidential election was conducted and as we speak, the “numbers, data or statistics” with regard to the outcome of the election are still streaming in. UK was of course competing against himself but typical of the status quo’s penchant for illegalities/irregularities , the numbers are mind boggling.
Yesterday, the Chairman of IEBC had stated publicly that the maximum number of voters stood at 6.5 million. UK is likely to hit 12 million if the machine is not unplugged by 9 am tomorrow morning (hilarious). Anyone who still thinks that those are genuine numbers and hence votes, is either a bourgeoisie, an ignorant proletariat, an emotionally mollycoddled voter or a citizen in dire need of psychological adjustment.
Well, they are at liberty to believe but that’s taking incredulity a bit too far. In Kenya’s body-politic, these are the majority who make the rule, not the exception. We saw the outcome yesterday, thanks to the media, which would rather make one livid considering that the figures being displayed portray quite a different picture.
But that isn’t the subject of concern.
For without a doubt, Muthamaki will be coronated and allowed to continue controlling the realms of power. That’s a given. My concern is for those running to the Courts to nullify this charade.
Ever since Mwilu’s bodyguard was shot at, the dynamics of the game changed big time.That assignment was a master stroke. Straight out of a Bolshevik script.
And it sent a subtle message, yet one pregnant with meaning. The following day, we witnessed a lack of quorum in the highest Court of the Land. That was not a coincidence. It was a plan cleverly and swiftly executed. We saw David Maraga on that day, sounding weak and completely out of control with the situation. He shifted uneasily on his seat and sounded defeated.
On September 1, Maraga together with his 3 disciples, had gone against the grain and nullified the Presidential Election of August 8th but what followed was out of this world. Financial cuts, outright denigration and behind the scenes intimidation.
All these the Judges went through but in public, they maintained a straight face. Until they threatened to step on the feet of impunity, again. The danger of stopping the October 26th election. Somebody had to die in order to send that message.
I can bet that any petition that falls on SCOK’s desk from now henceforth and which might involve the Executive, upsetting the apple’s cart, will be handled with lots of trepidation. Ours is a system run by the upper middle class and nobody fears death more than a middle-class corporate with a bright future.
No petition will ever have the ground-breaking valor the nullification received.
In any case, the Elections Amendment Act 2017 is already in effect thereby muzzling the powers of SCOK with regards to nullification of the Presidential Election Petition.
So Omtata will not have a field day anymore. That path has been rendered decrepit. That road has hit a dead end. A cul-de-sac. The President is entirely in control now. The “Benevolent Dictator” is now in charge.
Raila Odinga understands the intricacies of Govt more than anyone else. He knows that the Jubilee duo cannot be restrained or deterred by any law in and by itself. He knows pretty well that the two chaps have been hardened beyond repair by the chain of iniquities they left behind since the days of Ocampo.
They are not scared by the sight of blood. They have been through hell and back. And are capable of doing anything to retain power. The God-thing, “hallelujah, oh God is great, lets love one another” yaddah yaddah, is just but a smoke screen.
He knows that the only language they understand is the language that will shake the nucleus of State power. And that language has never been derived from the constitution. Never.
That lingo is one that walks with gusto and drinks scotch on the rocks. Carries a mahogany cane and wears a bailey hat. Its extra-judicial in all its form. It’s called civil unrest. Civil disobedience.
An agitated population will bring down even the strongest of societies. A refractory mass is what has caused revolutions throughout Europe and even in Africa starting from the days of colonialism to date.
The absconding of the vote yesterday touched the nerve center of State Power. For it was unexpected, and seemed to serve Raila’s purpose.
This is the path we will live with for some time. Forget the Courts. The battle has moved to the open fields now.
Where men wear no gloves.
#WisdomKE via Tony Kimani