Deputy Lord Mayor of Kampala, Doreen Nyanjura, promised to deepen struggle against President Museveni in her acceptance speech below.
I accept the nomination by the Lord Mayor to serve the people of Kampala as his Deputy.
If passed by the Council at the next sitting, I will be Deputy to a leader who untiringly fights for the people of Kampala, a seasoned defender of the voiceless and an unwavering General of the struggle for Truth, Justice and the Rule of Law.
Taking on this responsibility demands of me to further summon the courage in me, the loyalty in me and the spirit to stand for and besides the people of this city.
Your Worship, I am pleased and indeed feel honored and privileged at your invitation of me to be in the service of what matters to the people of Kampala.
As I have known you and as I have leant from you, I know that your agenda for this city continues to be the need to ensure Social Justice for our people, to ensure the betterment of the infrastructure in Kampala; the betterment of public schools for our young learners; the betterment of public health centers for our residents and visitors; and the betterment of markets, business places and other public places for the people of Kampala.
However, as you might know, this desire to better these and other services cannot be properly achieved under the current governance conditions imposed on us by the sitting regime that continues to impose itself and repress our citizenry.
I take office in very challenging times where those who oppress us intend to extend their oppression through what they are referring to as a scientific election. I have never tolerated any kind of fraud, worse still Political Fraud.
I do accept this nomination on the premise that this is not a position of comfort, this is a position of struggle and in this position I intend to deepen the struggle against the Museveni Junta to its logical conclusion so that our women and children of this country can live in a free and liberated country where each of them can use the opportunities available to them to improve their conditions of living.
I therefore understand our continued joint effort to liberate ourselves from this corrupt and suppressive regime. I will continue to work with you to execute this struggle until when the people of our country are liberated.
Your Worship, I wouldn’t be here if it was not for the kindness and mandate of the people of Makerere University, I extend my sincere gratitude to them and promise my continued loyalty to the struggles for which they sent me to lead.
In similar vein, I would not be here without the gracious support of my Party, the FDC, and it’s indomitable leaders who continue to fight hard and deep for the total liberation of our country. I thank them so much.
My dear colleagues the Lord Councillors of KCCA, we have come a long way and we are thus far. You continue to be great teammates and our fight to assert our spaces continues. I want to thank you for being there for me in difficult and good times. I look forward to a more team-like relationship as we serve our people. My friend hon Moses Kataabu, congratulations upon your appointment as the executive secretary For Finance and Administration, I have never doubted your competencies.
The general public and my dear friends on social media, you have given me great ideas and sometimes hearty laughs, but most of all, you have encouraged me to push on with the struggle, I appreciate your support and I hope that you will walk with me, every inch as we strive to make Kampala a better city for all.
I thank you Omuloodi once again for the confidence you have in me.
Nyanjura Doreen
Deputy Lord mayor, KCCA