Author: Johnson Thembo

Pearl Dairy Farms Limited, the producers of LATO Milk, have emerged as winners in the Best Milk Category in the 2019 People’s Choice Awards. This was according to a survey carried out between 20th February and 30th June this year by MuyzPlus Advertising International. The survey was conducted in the four regions of Uganda; Northern, Western, Eastern and Central, involving different stakeholders, including government regulators. Besides consumers, the survey also covered traders and interviews with officials from the Uganda National Bureau of Standards, the Insurance Regulatory Authority, the Dairy Development Authority and Uganda Communications Commission among others. According to Pearl…

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The Minister of State (Tansport), Hon. Aggrey Bagiire, has re-assured the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) General Assembly of the commitment by Government of Uganda to ensure safety and security in the aviation sector. While addressing the 40th Session of the ICAO General Assembly in Montreal, Canada on Saturday, September 28, 2019, the Minister specifically highlighted the recent revival of Uganda Airlines, liberalization of the air transport industry, and expansion and modernization of Entebbe International Airport as some of the country’s major initiatives in the aviation sector. While promoting tourism, he invited the Assembly delegates to Uganda to enjoy the beautiful…

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Climate change experts and parliamentarians are pushing for mainstreaming of climate change issues within government budgets and recommended the use of certificates of compliance before budget approval. This was the key message from the workshop on climate change achievements, challenges and efficacy of Parliament interventions during the 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference on Thursday, 26 September 2019. Discussants recommended the establishment of national climate funds to solve challenges of financing climate mitigation and adaptation actions. The panel, chaired by Uganda’s MP Lawrence Biyika Songa, included United Nations Environment Programme expert Robert Ondhowe; Alex Nimusiima the Coordinator of the Meteorology Unit and Mohammad…

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President Yoweri Museveni has commended faith-based groups in the country for joining government in efforts and campaign to sensitise communities in wealth creation to eradicate household poverty in Uganda. “I am glad that more Christians are waking up to understand how to eradicate poverty at household level. What you gain should be from your sweat. It is a Biblical obligation. I am happy I have Pastors, like Jackson Senyonga, on my disciples in the nationwide campaign for wealth creation. Like the Biblical story of the seeds’ sower on different types of soil, Pastor Senyonga is one of the soils that…

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The Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs has joined the rest of the country to participate in the URA organised tax payer’s appreciation week at Kololo ceremonial grounds The exhibition will run under the theme: “Every taxpayer counts , if everyone pays, no one pays more”. The Minister of Trade,Industry, Trade and Co.operatives Hon Amelia Kyambadde while opening the exhibition,thanked all the tax payers in Uganda for the tremendous role they play in supporting the government because its from these taxes that government runs all the programs. Hon further thanked the URA officials for closing the gap between tax payers…

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On the behalf of the people of Uganda, I welcome you, the members of the CPA, again, to Uganda. You are most welcome. I say that I welcome you to Uganda, again, because I was very much here when you were here last, 52 years ago. I was not in the meetings themselves. I was, however, 23 years old that time, a first year student in the University of Dar-es-salaam and already a very active student leader, leading the University Students African Revolutionary Front (USARF). The meeting must have taken place during the short holiday because I remember I was…

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Political Parties and governments should provide mentoring programmes to encourage women and girls to stand for elective positions. This was one of the four recommendations endorsed by the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians at the ongoing week-long 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo. The lawmakers also sanctioned establishment of an Alumni and Mentoring Trust Fund, to provide resources to CWP Steering Committees to assist in developing and implementing mentoring programmes for sitting women MPs. The meeting further agreed that all parliaments should strive for in-house capacity building and mentoring of new parliamentarians. The legislators added that inducting,…

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President Yoweri Museveni has commended the Government of China for supporting Uganda in infrastructure development including railway transport, electricity generation, road construction and telecommunications, among others. “Rail transport is much cheaper compared to road transport. The Government of China has been helping Uganda in the development of this area,” he said. The President made the remarks last evening at celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China at African Hotel in Kampala where he was chief guest. Referring to his recent visit to China, President Museveni said that the Memorandum of Understanding that he…

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President Yoweri Museveni has told Born-Again Christian leaders in the country that the proposal by State Minister for Ethics, Hon. Simon Lokodo, requiring all Pastors to obtain formal theological training from a recognized institute before they lead people, will be discussed until a consensus is reached. “Simon Peter had never been to the seminary. He was a fisherman who was called by Jesus. St. Paul, who prosecuted the church, later joined it. This is, therefore, the foundation of the church. I will call you, Father Lokodo and all other religious leaders and we discuss. Should we emphasize rituals and formalization…

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MPs have rejected a plan by government to fund the construction of Kampala -Jinja expressway through a Public Private Partnership (PPP). The 85-kilometre road was planned to be constructed using funding from a loan from the African Development Bank (ADB). The expressway is located along Uganda’s Northern Corridor, a strategic route within the region linking Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan with Kenya’s Mombasa maritime port. Raising on a matter of national importance during Thursday’s sitting, Hon. James Waluswaka (NRM, Bunyole West County) tasked government to explain the changes and the delayed commencement of works…

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